Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Tale As Old As Time, At Least For Me

So on r/AskReddit someone asked what the most fucked up thing to happen to you was. I decided I'll paste a copy here for posterity because this one day really does sum up my entire life:

Have I got a story for you, and it actually happened to me yesterday. I live in a shitty project apartment with alcohol abusers living above me that keep flooding my apartment by passing out while filling the bathtub or a sink.

That's not the worst part, I'll get to that. So someone in the organization found an apartment for me in a building that's not a project building but has some units funded by the city for elderly and disabled people (I'm disabled).

I got it all setup, so I was rushing to get there to fill out the paperwork. But in my city, right in front of the bus, they decided to leave these large metal plates stick out of the ground only a few inches. My glasses were fogged up because of the mask (not blaming the mask).

I rushed to get to the bus and kicked one of those plates, hard. I landed, barely keeping my phone and my face from hitting the pavement.

I sucked up the pain, ignoring it and jumping onto the bus. The driver looked concerned but all I could think about was getting that paperwork filled out because apparently "fuck technology" is a thing in Seattle still.

I got there, still ignoring the pain I felt, being as cordial as possible. I filled out all that paperwork then got to the "what rent will be" portion and it was not what the organization had told me it would be, instead it was almost 90% of my income.

I went even more numb than I was, all my hope gone. In a matter of moments every hope I had, all my faith in humanity, it was all just gone.

Through tears I just apologized for wasting her time and walked back to my current apartment. Yep, I just walked, it's something I do when I'm really upset, I just walk for miles.

Well, this was only two miles, but I got all the way back home, took off my shoes, and when I looked at my toe the pain finally registered. My toenail was all black, it is still right now.

I could barely think and passed out from the pain, but not before I read the email about how they fucked up and the rent would actually be subsidized. When I woke up, my toe was still black and my right hand now hurts so bad that I can't use it for anything but typing.

This, this is the worst thing to happen to me, because it's just another day in my life.

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