Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Power of Millennials

 So I have watched a lot of millennial prank videos, stumbled on a lot of feel good ones. Originally I had expected a bunch of those really messed up pranks that my generation was and is quite popular for, and was so pleased to see none of that.

What I did discover was a few wealthy millennials with a lot of money and time, bored because they're rich, pranking people and giving them a lot of money and stuff in the end just to thank them for being a good sport. These videos show much more than that, and that in itself was really uplifting.

Big Daws TV is one of the groups doing these pranks, and they do some old fashioned pranks as well. So of course I saw those as well, and what stood out for me was that they were completely harmless.

Then I noticed a disturbing trend, something that shocked me to the core: of all their marks the millennials had the best reactions. Not best as in "most shocking of all time", but best as in laid back, so laid back.

Of course they get a bit shocked and surprised, but they don't swing, scream, or start attacking the pranksters. So these millennials that everyone else calls "entitled" or "weak" are really giving and laid back.

So if "entitled" means "giving money to people who need it when you have more than you need", then I hope they continue to be entitled. If being "weak" means "not attacking someone because they catch you off guard" then I hope they continue to be weak.

What we're seeing is our species finally becoming more humane, and these are a generation inheriting a pretty fucked up world. From allowing climate change to get out of hand to allowing our law enforcement to become tyrannical, and these youth are doing what they can to help fix the problems we started.

I'm embarrassed to be middle aged, not because I'm "old" but because others in my generation are insulting and attacking people who are doing the right thing.

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