Monday, December 23, 2019

Fuck Musicians

I will never spend money on musicians again, ever. The reason for this is copyright trolls who act on behalf of these musicians, who only encourage the trolls.

This problem is destroying YouTube, and YouTube can't do anything about it. The only people who could do something about it are the musicians, yet as I stated before, they encourage the trolls.

To make it worse, things like parodies and using snippets in a vlog or some other video is free advertising, and yet rather than be grateful for this free advertising they attack people who do that for them. Since I lost monetization anyway, every video they claim I remove, no exceptions.

I will not give free advertising to a musician who employs these trolls, nor will I buy any more of their music. I have even gone a step further and started selling the CDs of the music from these musicians for a much higher profit than they got when I initially bought them because they are all collector items.

My favorite musicians are the ones who do not employ these trolls, the rest of you can just fuck right off.

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