Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Trick To Credit

 There is a system that banks have started using to determine if you are worth investing in. Yes, you are an investment to the bank, you are not a person in their eyes.

This is one of the many atrocious systems that develop in capitalism, and here's how to easily improve that score. Now this will only work if you can also avoid any criminal charges from here on out, a criminal charge that you cannot pay the fine on will reset all your work, which is why there are many crimes which they only enforce on the poor.

So the first step is to get a checking account, specifically a checking account with a debit card. Most banks are required to have a low income account, they often give them a name similar to "starter" account.

When you use this account, use the debit card more than checks, if you can just do the debit card. Use it like a credit card when possible as well, just be sure to never go over your balance.

This is the hardest part because we all need money sometimes and that temptation will be a struggle for most people. I know because I made the mistake a few times before I managed to finally resist that urge.

I was living in shelters at the time so it didn't impact me nearly as much. Now if you do live in a shelter you will need to get housing to accomplish this, so get on those lists and use the time while living in the shelter or on the street as practice.

After a few years the bank will start giving you offers for a deposit backed credit card. I didn't say this was a quick method, for us poor people there is no quick method.

Once you get these offers, not how much you need to deposit and try to save enough that you can afford that deposit. Don't worry about your needs being covered because you will be using the credit card for all of that.

Yeah, you have to go into debt for this to work and that may be scary, think of it this way: you're using the deposit and then loaning it back to the bank the next month. With this card you can't go over the deposit, and you will get that money back at the end, so you are not truly in debt now.

Your credit score will see a small increase from this, but nothing big until the next phase. Once that test period is up, as long as you kept paying it off every month, you get the deposit back

By now you'll be used to not over spending, and paying it off every month means you don't get hit with a ton of interest. Keep doing that, use the credit card for all your purchases during the month and pay it off with your paycheck every month, do not spend more than what's in your checking account.

If you feel comfortable, buy something large once in a while, worth no more than twice your paycheck. Then spend a bit less on regular things so you get that large purchase paid off in a couple months.

After no more than 5 years your score will be at least 700, after a decade you will have a score of 800. That last 50 is much more difficult, because the score itself is influenced most by how much credit the bank trusts you with.

So yes, every time they offer to increase your credit limit you say yes. But never ask the bank to increase your credit limit, doing that will decrease your credit score and you won't get an increase, wait for them to do it for you.

This happens for wealthy people automatically, because they get credit cards from their parents, jobs, or they deposit a large amount of money and the bank gives them one for that. But if we all get 800+ credit scores we ruin their system, we crash the credit score.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Suicidal Social Media

 Social media websites are "cracking down one ToS violations", well that's what they want advertisers to believe. The reality is that they're eliminating all the users advertisers want to target, because everyone breaks the ToS, even the advertisers.

Well, everyone except the bots, those very bots artificially inflate the number of users, making it appear the site is popular. Advertisers, being as clueless as they are, fall for this tactic and ultimately are scammed out of their money by a corporation that's more dirty than they are.

Reddit, Facebook, even LinkedIn are all following suite. Though Facebook and LinkedIn are trying to actually fix the issue, Reddit is not.

There are thousands of bots posting on Reddit every second, all run by moderators, most of the "moderators" of every subreddit are bots. They do not understand context, they do not understand human communication, they just post preprogrammed texts and react to regex scripts that have been in use since 1985.

Then when a user attempts to communicate with the moderator, they get suspended for "ban evasion" or some other ToS crime. Resulting in no one wanting to spend money on Reddit, and no one wanting to invest in Reddit.

This resulted in them attempting to latch onto that stupid NFT scam, the funny part of Steve Huffman trying that scam too late is not ironic at all. Steve is slow, very slow, like so far behind the times he thinks people will pay for avatars in this day and age.

Now they're back to begging advertisers to join Reddit, while banning the only people who can and will spend money on said advertisers, resulting in nothing but lame religious "ads" or other obvious scams. When an advertiser doesn't see a lot of fucking shit, like "fuck" and "shit" that's human, they automatically assume the content was generated by a bot, and rightfully so.

Because almost all of Reddit's content today is generated by bots. Welcome to the future, a broken system called capitalism finally dying.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Blogger Is Protecting Hate

 Blogger is protecting the hatemongers, the muslims, the christians, the judaic. the buddhists, the hinduists, all those who bring hate and violence to our world. Blogger is protecting the very Nazis who created the orange man by doing so.

Blogger is perpetuating violence against the irreligious, and hatred against minorities.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Future Rat Problem in Everett

 In Seattle they "took care of" the stray cat problem, reducing the stray population to almost nothing compared to other areas. In downtown Seattle there are virtually no stray cats at all.

But there is something that took over, two pests that carry diseases that can infect and even kill humans. Rats and pigeons, so many of them.

The pigeons are easy to spot, there are thousands and their fecal matter contains enough worms to kill off pretty much any wildlife. Not that any other type of wildlife is even possible in downtown Seattle, but the pigeons won't stay there, they'll spread out and infect surrounding areas until they've decimated all wildlife in western Washington.

The rats in downtown Seattle own the streets, at night you'll see them rummaging around the alleys. With rats they don't all travel at once, if you see one there are at least a dozen in the nest.

Scouts go out to get food and bring it back to the nest, most communal animals behave this way. As a species we learned that we cannot maintain the rodent population, so we adopted a species that would be perfect for reducing the pests, we call them cats.

But because we didn't want to accept the fact we were destroying the environment we started blaming the cats and dogs for the vanishing wildlife. In reality it is our own presence that is devastating the other populations, and only a few species can live in the environment we've created for us.

Of those species, only cats and dogs do carry very few illnesses that can infect us, the others can wipe out our populations in a matter of a few years. The irony being that many of the animals we've pretty much destroyed would prey on cats and dogs, coyotes, eagles, falcons, wolves, bears, etc.

Where cats and dogs can thrive, no other life can thrive but us, meaning we're the ones who drove out or destroyed the wildlife. Our very presence is has shaped the environment, and given we need wildlife it is time we accept the fact that nature gave us life which can live with us and embrace them.

The cat and dog, nature's response to our devastation of the wildlife, and we're destroying them now. In Everett I am starting to see rats who do not fear humans, rummaging for food without fear at all.

If you see one, there are a dozen in a nearby nest, and for every one you don't see there are several in the shadows watching you. This is the future of Everett, another rat infested diseased city just like downtown Seattle.

The scam of neutering and spaying is going to cost us our world, as we vacate these environments we have ruined it would take hundreds of years for them to stabilize and be reclaimed by nature. Given the lack of larger animals, without cats and dogs becoming the new organisms in that environment, many cities would never recover wildlife.

In nature the only constant is change, we've caused a lot of change and it's time we allow the change to just happen instead of swinging to the extremes that created the problems already. We will be replaced by rats, then when they go extinct because we're no longer here there will just be plants, we've already started a great reset of of the planet.

Friday, July 15, 2022

The Veterinary Scams in Everett

 So I am being pressured into neutering Rhodey, even though after 8 years of life it has never been an issue. I decided to get it done rather than deal with the pressure anymore and discovered a serious scam that all vet clinics are running in Everett.

First the "pre-surgery" exam is a total rip off. They charge for a full blood work when all they are concerned with are two levels, two specific chemicals in the blood which the vet glossed over and this cost more than $300 USD.

Then the surgery, at the discount vet it will cost almost $400 USD because he wasn't able to be neutered sooner due to Compass Housing making him ill. Other vets were quoting nearly $1,000 USD.

I am paid only $900 USD per month for disability. The housing authorities keep saying they have to be neutered or spayed, ultimately making it nearly impossible for a disabled person to actually keep their companions unless they are of perfect health and adopted only from the shelters after they are of a certain age.

Basically, the state is telling us what specific therapy we must have for something that is clearly a very personal thing even when it causes no harm. You see, Rhodey never sprays and he is never out of the apartment unless he's in my control, he is literally the most perfect male cat possible because I actually know how to care for and manage a cat, that is why they are my preferred companions, otherwise I would have chosen a different companion.

I actually understand felines better than I understand the ape known as homo sapiens, or as the low brow like to call us: humans. Humans suck.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Gaming For Fools

 There is a very long running problem with video games of late, one which is utterly destroying the industry. It's sad because the fans know why, but seem unable to to simply stop buying the garbage that has been released lately.

First I must demand no more zombies!!!! Seriously, this wasn't even that great in the early games, why are there so many zombie based games being bought? Stop buying them, if the theme is "zombie" then just avoid it, pretend it doesn't exist.

Zombies were used as a single and rare encounter in older games, one encounter of many. Even games like Resident Evil didn't focus on the zombie, they were just the first thing you see before the really scary stuff started chasing you.

Now they are the staple, the primary encounter. Zombies are cheap, and any bugs or glitches can be ignored as "expected zombie behavior" which excuses the laziness we now see in developers. But it's up to us gamers to stop paying for this laziness, so stop buying games where zombies are the primary protagonist.

Now the rot that this has created, while the developers have been awarded for their laziness they made it a feature of all games now. Even Minecraft is becoming one massive mess of bugs, glitches, and poorly implemented additions.

All the newest content for most of the major games are a mess, sloppy and hastily thrown together to try to remain relevant while the fans jump on the "next big thing" which ends up being a huge flop anyway. To the developers I say: 

Stop worrying about the fad hoppers, they'll always come back, take your time and get back to what you love doing. The profits will always be there.

To the fans, stop jumping on fads just because the developers of said fad paid a streamer or youtuber to play their game. Preordering, getting early access, it's just a bad idea.

Games like Valheim and Last Oasis turned into huge flops, but because everyone was rushing to those the Ark developers panicked and released two buggy messes full of redundant grindfest content known as Genesis and Genesis 2.

Minecraft developers got so lazy they decided to merge into the Xbox ecosystem. This merging added so many bugs and problems that this move will actually kill off the Java version.

Conan Exiles was the first to fall prey to this problem with the release of Isle of Siptah, breaking many of the core mechanics in the game and ruining the graphics system in a sorry attempt to beat the rush to newer games. The only games that seem to maintain composure during this mess are Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy 14.

I don't like FF14 anymore, but it's not because they rushed the production, it's because one of the stories they released broke the lore too much for me to appreciate. GW2 is going strong though, looking forward to the End of Dragons expansion, even pre-ordered it because I trust they'll release it when it's finished and not a day sooner.

So what made the successful ones so great before they broke? Newness, that's it, they each offered something completely new to the genres they focused on.

But all of the newer games are not doing that, Last Oasis tried but it was too little of a thing to build an entire game from. Valheim was just a low end version of Conan Exiles, so I have no idea why anyone even thought that was worth the purchase.

But in spite of the mistakes made by the developers, the primary fault lies in the fans. Everyone flocking to something that's "the best new thing" and then never returning to the games that still hold up in spite of their flaws hurts the developers, they think they lost everyone to a fad so they start moving to projects that are just more short term fads.

This makes game development a fool's game.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The State Of Seattle

 So evictions in the USA are one of those really messy things which most tenants do not even know a fraction of the laws involved. Landlords have taken advantage of this fact to wrongfully evict tenants, often without even having to go to court because the tenant can't afford legal counsel.

Seattle finally joined the growing number of cities who offered a "public defender" of sorts for tenants facing eviction. This is likely because of our growing homeless problem, which is likely a result of the fact that landlords are finding ways around the eviction moratorium.

But what do home owners say? They're complaining, of course.

We have had this serious problem in the USA where the people who have money are convinced that everyone who doesn't have money are somehow out to get them. Which has resulted in creating a huge divide between those who have, and those who struggle just to get what we need.

The end result is what we see in renting, where somehow people have this idea that every eviction is justified. The pathetic irony being that most evictions are without good reason, and often those who should be evicted never are.

A primary reason why those who should be evicted manage to avoid it is that the landlords just listen to neighbor complaints, and the Karen types are generally the loudest. The ones most likely to be wrongfully evicted are the quiet types who typically stay to themselves and don't scream about every little thing.

Then that one thing causes the quiet person to complain just once about someone, and suddenly the Karen types will start an onslaught of complaints as well as generating rumors to ruin the quiet person's reputation with the landlord. Resulting in the one who did nothing wrong being evicted while the Karen type remains secure in their residence.

This is, of course, only one example of how the disparity shows up, there are many others. Well, with the court appointed lawyer the quiet person suddenly has the strength of the law behind them, as well as all the information normally only afforded to the landlord on how to fight any wrongful eviction in court.

Now the biggest complaint I've seen is about the cost. But let's put this into perspective.

A homeless person will cost about $35,000+ a year, that's taxes it comes from. My apartment generally costs about $5,000 per year in tax dollars, I still pay almost half of the total costs and the rest is subsidized.

Though the average is about $12,000 per year for housing and that include "supportive" housing. So it's in your best interest to house people, not kick them out onto the streets.
